JS Aurelius"Acoustic Mesh Network" digiLP (Acousmatic Industries, 2014)
In this case, the acoustical mesh network was a group of three computers: an air-gapped, infected victim, an infected relay drone and the attacker. Through the covert use of the infected victims audio speaker, an inaudible frequency containing the keystroke information of the victim computer was transmitted to the relay drone and received by the drones internal microphone. The drone, connected to a wireless network, then forwarded that information via email to the attacker. Finally, the attacker interpreted the information and sent it to Max, which triggered various systems based on keystroke information. The album is intended to be an audible forewarning that seemingly secure air-gapped systems can still fall victim to attack through acoustic means. Filtering the transmission of non audible frequencies, garbling ultrasonic frequencies with white noise and even physically cutting the wire to your computers speaker have been suggested as effective measures to prevent this type of attack.