Yang Li/ve Human Mas/chine after event
Design, concept and curation.
Design, concept and curation.
14" x 17"
collaboration with H STUDIOS
14" x 17"
Design and concept and curation
17" x 14"
Design and concept.
14" x 17"
Design and concept.
14" x 17"
Design and concept
14" x 17"
Design and concept
14" x 17" xerox
Concept and design.
Ascetic House "Exhibition of Selected Written Works, Printed Materials and Assorted Propaganda. 2011-2015" (October 15, 2015)
Sunset Terrace Gallery, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Concept and design of all works shown.
Design and concept.
11" x 17"
Curation of events, concept and design of all posters.
Hand drawn on 18"x24"newsprint paper.
Curation of all shows.
Concept and design of all posters.