Filthy Grin "Saturn In The Mirror" LP (Gilgongo Records, GGGR-086, 2018)
Jacket cover and back.
Design and concept
Collage by Filthy Grin
Music by Filthy Grin
Jacket cover and back.
Design and concept
Collage by Filthy Grin
Music by Filthy Grin
14" x 17"
collaboration with H STUDIOS
14" x 17"
Design and concept.
30cm x 40cm
collaboration with Sophy Hollington
Art design and concept + 1hr mix
14" x 17"
Design and concept.
14" x 17"
Poster design and concept
video by Taran Allen, Ezra Miller and Amanda Siegel
design and concept
14" x 17"
Design and concept.
14" x 17"
Design and concept.
14" x 17"
Design and concept
12" x 12"
Design and concept
17" x 14"
Design and concept.
14" x 17"
Design and co
14" x 17"
Design and concept.
Jacket cover and back + center labels, collage and text.
Design and concept
14" x 17"
Design and concept
14" x 17"
Design and concept
CD cover, back, inside and disc face
Design and concept
Cover photo by Lane Stewart
14" x 17"
Design and concept